Official Mailing Discussion

If anyone has an issue with the responder not working, reset the machine and it worked straight away :slight_smile:

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I reset and Im still not getting it. this box absolutely sucks. i know I have the right command for the exploit as I had to find a spoiler for it. doing exactly what they did and still not getting a connection back Iā€™ve sent the email countless times and reset the box 3 times


Yes, same thing for me, 3 resets over 2 different vpn servers. nothing in responder

back when I did this part it took almost 12 hours for the message to come. Frustrated, I just left it listening for the night and came back next morning and it had arrived in the night.

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will try

have hash+cracked it.
cannot auth login on :25. donā€™t know what username to useā€¦ nothing iā€™ve tried works. not sure where to go from here.

edit: nevermind. auth works. stillā€¦ not sure what do now?

I had to look up a guide on what to do next.

Can someone tell me where I was actually supposed to figure out the ou**ook CVE? I genuinely have no idea how anybody has figured that this will work

Edit: aaaand now iā€™m sitting here waiting like an idiot not getting any hashes from responderā€¦ great. iā€™m resetting this thing.

I waited like 12 hours, run in he evening - didnā€™t work, left r running overnight, came back in the morning, hash is there. Yeah, not the best practice have the email scanned/clicked after 4-5 hours.

it did not work for me yesterday, but as I tried the exact same thing today (donā€™t even know why) it worked, now Iā€™m stuck with the privesc. I think I know what to exploit, but canā€™t

I donā€™t know your situation, but Iā€™m in the free tier so I think that having A LOT of people trying to hack the vm can bring some unexpected/unintended behavioursā€¦

worked for me near-instantly after resetting the box.
i think the script used to open the emails must break sometimes.

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Could someone DM me as to why the c:\important folder was crucial in getting flag? couldnā€™t do the last part in any other folderā€¦

Thatā€™s indeed frustrating!

how did the exploit worked for you could you please explain, I am stuck at this step


anyone knows whatā€™s going on with the machine? since few hours Iā€™m trying to escalate to admin group but (even after restart) this way seems to be broken.

am I missing something?

(edited: yes, I missed correct path to use my privesc file. maybe thatā€™ll help someone. ;))

That will surely help me. i am stuck after I found the admin password

Iā€™m not sure if it was ok but for root I didnā€™t need to do anything else for privesc. I just could navigate to higher privileged account and displayed root flag content.

I honestly read some writeups to see if it was ok but I saw an exploit was needed apparently. At the end it showed the same location I could access with no extra exploits at all. If someone did it in the same way could please let me know :v

The boxes that are getting called Easy these days are ridiculous. Maybe Im just that inexperienced. This box is in no way shape or form easy.

