Linux File Transfer Methods

Hello there, the question I’m stuck with is:

“Upload the attached file named to the target using the method of your choice. Once uploaded, SSH to the box, extract the file, and run “hasher ” from the command line. Submit the generated hash as your answer.”

I’ve SSH’d to the htb-student account and tried to run xfreerdp only to find it’s not installed in the pwnbox. I also tried doing the same xfreerdp thing through a VPN connection on my kali linux only for the terminal to become unresponsive.

I have no idea where to go, I clearly have no idea what to do: any push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

just use scp method to transfer the file ONCE you transfer it then ssh to the box. I don’t think you need xfreerdp for this one.

i dont recall reading the scp method :\

scp [file to transfer] [name of user]@[ip address]:[path to be copied on the remote]
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Figured it out! Thank you very much! I don’t know how I missed that segment the several times I scoured over the reading.

Have a great day! :smile:

no problem, here to help😄

ok, so i am uploading the file, I download the file onto my local machine and copy the text to a text file and then upload it with scp, i then run hasher and I get this hash
1219923e466ff7d194dc99a99da5b791 but it keeps marking it wrong???

The method I used was first downloading the file, then starting a http server on my machine, then SSH’d into the target and downloaded it.
Hope someone finds this useful.

How did you do the first question where we have to download the flag.txt file using python. I have tried https://<IP>/flag.txt and https://<IP>/root/flag.txt for downloading the files in both wget and curl but it is refusing connection.
I don’t understand what question is saying, how to download file using python from PWNbox or host machine.