Academy Help Windows file transfer module

Upload the attached file named to the target using the method of your choice. Once uploaded, RDP to the box, unzip the archive, and run “hasher upload_win.txt” from the command line. Submit the generated hash as your answer.

No matter what i do, the hash i get does not seem to be right.
I cant transfer the file using power shell for some reason, so i gave up on that and i used my own powershell, which i assume the result would be the same if i used HTB’s powershell

out of 4 hash types i tried they are all wrong apparently ?
can someone help me?

I just found a solution for us, you can’t upload files to the windows virtual machine in the usual way but we can indirectly upload the file to the windows server, what you need to do is:

1)encode the file with the system you used to download it in base64
2)copy the base64 string you just got and use the following command at the parrot-htb virtual machine to get the original .zip file:
echo <base64_value> | base64 -d -w 0 >
3)you run http server service at parrot virtual machine
4)RDP to the window virtual machine and download the file from the parrot virtual machine by the command in module
=> you will have .zip file in your Windows VM

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Oh no you didnt :smiley: Im sort of frustrated, as the guidelines are very clear.
Upload without RDPing.
RDP after you uploaded.

did you solve the question?

i almost the same solution, i’m living in mainland China, thanks for the GFVV, i cant use rdp tool(mstsc) to connect the final target directly, even i connected the vpn which htb provides me.
then i tried to connect the pwnbox first ,but in the box ,it seems cannt connect the target , WTF, i feel angry

now am tring to use the hasher in my computer to calculate the .txt file, it’s looks very silly.