As per writeups, i am trying to change the proxy and visit but nothing happens. I am currently using foxyproxy to quickly add proxies. I named a new proxy as squid and added as ip address and 3128 as port to use the squid proxy avilable on JOKER. I did this manually from network prefrences in my firefox browser on kali linux. Nothing happens.
Also trying to scan the udp ports on this machine takes forever.
were you able to visit eventually?? i am stuck
I’ve no idea what might be going on here but some things to consider:
Have you configured the proxy to proxy traffic?
Have you configured the browser to go to the proxy for sites?
If you want to point to I am not sure the proxy will do that but I don’t know what the write ups are telling you to do.
I know it’s an old thread, but this might help someone down the line.
I also couldn’t access either (or whatever the Joker target IP is in your case) or to get to the Squid username/password prompt (that’s seen in various writeups and ippsec’s video for example) - without setting username/password in FoxyProxy first. However, the prompt itself is not that important as it blocks you from further advance on the machine anyway. Probably updates of squid/foxyproxy which make it behave differently, and the machine is old at this point. After the squid credentials are obtained and then entered into FoxyProxy, you will be able to access both of these ips/urls then.