Official Precious Discussion

every url I provide leads to a blank pdf, is that normal ? even a simple directory hosted with python still gives me a blank pdf

No, you should be able to host a simple file yourself and have it converted to a pdf. All web URLs will fail since the box doesn’t have internet access, but I just hosted a directory with an index.html file in it gave the application and it worked.

best hint i could give for this challenge:
always check the indentation/formatting of every code you copy from the internet. depending of how bad it is formatted the compiler won’t execute it.


  • Problem: I hosted a python -m http.server on my attacking machine and could not get something else than a blank pdf
  • Explanation: my openvpn instance was running on my host machine (outside my attacking vm) and my attacker machine was in NAT mode.
  • Solution: if you’re running a vm, make sure that your openvpn instance is running ON your vm (I assume that using the bridge mode on the attacker vm would also work…)

I has finished the box. But I just find only one way to get a reverse shell. Could you tell me your methods? THANK YOU!!!

i have the same problem. did you solve it?

solved: problem was: connecting with another ovpn profile

Rooted! Honestly think the user flag was harder than the root flag. Enumerate as much as possible :wink:

OR You could open the pdf in a text editor and look at end of the file…use exploit for that generator

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Hey there, can someone give me a hint?
Where is creds for

henry :laughing:?

hi guyz

why does the enumeration part works only with p**** server and not with apache2?

For anyone getting Cannot load remote URL! this might help, worked for me:
stop your listener, then:
sudo /sbin/iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
sudo /sbin/iptables -F INPUT
restart your listener and try the POST request again.

:heart_eyes: Finally rooted :heart_eyes:

Thanks to your hints and google

got the user some days ago, trying to escalate privileges…

  1. The box disconnects all the time. Why? Why is it so difficult to connect?

  2. Why only p___n server works and not apache for the reverse shell?

Maybe try with a fastest scan, skip ping test with -Pn, skip DNS test with -n, use a high min rate and you can even use a -T5, all of that can help

Hey! if you found the username “henry” somewhere then you found it’s password, because the password is literally next to that user

Hi, I think I am at the final step to get root, I got the idea for privesc but I can’t edit up****_de**********.rb to locate it to my malicious payload.
Can sombody give me a hint pls :slight_smile:

google for Yaml Deserialization


Just got the user flag, i just started learning so i was just poking around randomly to find the password. how would you go about finding it more efficiently? like is it just nice grep and find ? (dm me if needed)

This was killing me too. Formatting of the whitespace in the file is apparently more important than I initially realized. Adjusting that let it run properly.