Web Requests FireFox error

Hi everyone.

I am new to the community and as I am trying to proceed with the free account I managed to get to WEB REQUESTS : POST :

Here when I run my VM I started to experience the same issue like the last lab which was the WEB REQUESTS : GET :

FireFox is acting up on me and not connecting, I looked before posting here online and I found lots of different platforms talking about this issue but with no final result on what it is.

One thread suggested to use the Chrome in the VM which I did as well, there I do get connected but the speed is so slow that it makes me wonder what else there is.

As per directions for the lab they do instruct to follow the steps provided and not use other tools which is also fine. I like learning more.

However I feel that there is a big issue with the VM setup and monitoring system which may cause this issue for PRACTITIONERS. The VM does not reset after each module. I assume that in the challenge before get there was XSS or XSF where through the dev tools on firefox we pasted the curl fetch into which may have cause this issue.

I appreciate your feedback on this since I am on a two way street not knowing which path to take at this point.

I could technically use my on VM with Kali and solve it that way but as stated in the instructions follow the course…that’s my intent to see how well it is built and why this issue is around for a few years now and no guidance being offered…

Looking forward in reading your response

As to the HTB FireFox issue, I have done nothing beside writing here and explaining my situation. After a few days I logged back in and it worked like day one.

Resolution if you run into this. Wait a few days, it is hard and inconvenient but I assume that the VM resets and resolves the error that people face, like my self.

I also must mention that I didn’t go with the recommended setting before connecting, I chose a better connection in the list 60/ms I think it was.

Hope this helps the next person that will have anxiety when finding out that their flow has been distrusted. Staying calm and collected and letting time doing his thing is another skill set that you could learn which is not in the course.

Good luck and wish everyone success in their projects.