Starting Point Oopsie php reverse shell not found


At Oopsie, i upload the reverse shell with super admin id, but when i try /uploads/reverse.php apache returns a 404 error.

dirsearch found a php at /uploads and i tried with curl

Im listening at the port 1234 and my ip set in the reverse shell.

Thanks in advance!

I too face the same issue

I now solved it. I had set IP and port in the reverse.php file and later corrected it. Though I reuploaded the file in website, it seem to have taken older cache itself. Freshly uploaded my file with proper IP and Port (changed IP value from single quote to double quote for some unknown reason )and then it started working perfectly

same issue bro

not working bro :face_with_head_bandage:

Try renaming the file to e.g. just ‘reverse.php’ . Did the trick for me.