In the exploiting of host-02 (blog)
I realized that in the metasploit script 50064.rb there is an error (it can’t get the csfr-token)
I made it work like this:
raw_body = res.body.to_s
token_pos = raw_body =~ /"[abcdef0-9] {10}"}/
token_raw = raw_body[token_pos + 1, token_pos + 10] #this doesn't work as I expect, the next line is a workaround
token = token_raw[0..9]
to be put in place of the two lines
token = res.body.split ('":"') [1] .split ('"') [0]
# token = res.to_s.scan (/ "[abcdef0-9]{10}"} /) [0] ('"}', '')
in the login function.
I apologize to Ruby’s purists but I don’t know this language so I’m sure there is a more elegant way to do what I did