Dedicated to everybody that, like me, have problems to solve This reversing task.
I do found the first key, but my debugging skills are still limited and I could not figure out what to do to find the next password (that I supose to be the flag)
Already tryed IDA,gdb and Radare2, still studying the tools but no progress yet.
Could you guys that already solve this challenge please help me!
Man, i am stuck on this challenge for more than a week now…
When i try with gdb it throws me error, with IDA it i can only see the hex and the function but cant debug it, with radare2 i am able to see it, but the problem now is that, when i run radare2 without debug i can see the main function, but when i run it with -d it doesnt show me the main function.
also running dc throws error: Syntax error: “(” unexpected
I did use gdb and radare to understand the memory address where I can jump my pointer. but every time I get segmentation error. can some one please nudge me?
it is sad to get segmentation error. I guess you jumped wrong pointer.
After you find correct address and use wa correctly no segmentation error occurs.
Finally resolve it. It was a good challenge and learnt quite a bit about rdare2. The only point I was missing was outcome of "“cmp” function. just needed to redirect the flow