I am new to reversing but have worked through a couple of them at this point. Very cool stuff and I have learned a lot. However, I am now facing impossible password which is a very different format. I have figured out step 1. Step 2 is what I am working on and I am not sure of the approach. Any suggestions? I have a vague idea of what is going on as it runs, but not how to solve. I am thinking maybe something like angr but is there a more straightforward way?
@DrWahbi said:
hey , i’m sorry but i tried every thing , from Hex editor to ollydbg to trace the jumps but the debugger can’t read bin , but there’s no message to trace , i found something like SuperSekretKey but i didn’t understand what next , please any hints !
Try to chmod +x the .bin file…btw running GDB on it works, its just there is no symbol table Also, if anyone has a small hint to share, it would be really appreciated
Well @n3m0 , if it’s “Impossible Password” it means is quite real impossible
Always follow the hints (titles, descriptions… ) here in HTB, they say it all.
Anyway, you only need to know some basics of GDB to overcome this impossible password… nothing impossible though
@padovah4ck is absolutely correct. If you don’t like GDB, use radare2 I actually solved this from the disassembly without breakpoints or actual debugging, but that was not the easy road.
I solved the challenge and learnt a lot about reverse engineering and how to follow the opcodes execution. I would like to give a suggestion (for those who are new ) Use the combination of EDB-debugger and Radare2 - Graph mode and you can understand the entire assembly.
I don’t understand the stages people are talking about. I only understand that it should be debugged, but is possible to solve from disassembly alone. I am trying radare2 and gdb, When I try to debug, it seems strange because no matter where I try to put breakpoints, it never prints any output to the screen. would appreciate a hint.
So I played a bit around on stage ** and i found out that abc", “def” will be read as abc",
So I wondered if there is a way to inject something like 1==1 into strcmp. Can someone PM me and give me a hint whether I’m thinking in the right direction