Hi to all,
I have small stuck in this box.
My session is auth, but when i try to pull back says i am not?
Any suggestions?
Hi to all,
I have small stuck in this box.
My session is auth, but when i try to pull back says i am not?
Any suggestions?
Found the fix sorry for the posts.
Hello could you give me a hint about the backup file ? what can be done with it?
I know the db url, can you give me hint to the next step nosqlmap isn’t helped me.
Any hint for the archive password??
@kNN said:
Any hint for the archive password??
It’s password protected, right? Crack it.
@likwidsec said:
@kNN said:
Any hint for the archive password??It’s password protected, right? Crack it.
Thank you!
I thought I should find the password somewhere in the web app.
just a small question
i cracked the backup file searched a lot for some goodies did not find anything
anyway i think everything i am going into at this point is a rabbit hole
so any nudge will be much appreciated
analyze that file
I have user on machine but not one that t uset only the m user. Cant find privesc to get to t user or r user.
Guys, im stuck.
I’ve managed to login as Mark/Tom but then i cant download the backup file. The server says that im not authenticated. Any hint?
@k4rmap said:
Guys, im stuck.
I’ve managed to login as Mark/Tom but then i cant download the backup file. The server says that im not authenticated. Any hint?
analyze each response and request from api calls…
hi guys! how are u? I downloaded the backup file, can i get any hits to move on?
@k4rmap said:
Guys, im stuck.
I’ve managed to login as Mark/Tom but then i cant download the backup file. The server says that im not authenticated. Any hint?
I’m stuck in the same place… I already analysed all possible API calls and couldn’t figure out what to do next. Is it something about the framework used?
Nvm, got it
Type your comment> @MindOverflow42 said:
hi guys! how are u? I downloaded the backup file, can i get any hits to move on?
but it could’t download yet ,any suggestion?
can not download the myplace.backup file ,it 's dirve me to crazy ! i tried thousands times !
@Allicenosugar same here.