
stack with the backup file ,it is an RSA kind of encryption ? I have tried a lot to decrypt it ,but always failed .
(not spoiling ,I’m asking to only check if I’m in the good road )
Thank you .

thank I have figure out what is it

could you give me a hint about the backup file

fcra [TAB]

I have the contents of the backup file, but can’t seem to figure out how to take advantage of it. Any hints?

analyze it

I got a user, not the one I need for user.txt. Can’t find anything to lead to root or user that has the flag

Any nudge going from mark to tom?

Enumerate the processes on the system.

Only see two processes as tom, without any way to get to them

difficult to help without spoiling

Understand, just can’t figure out what I’m missing, but don’t want it spoiled

think of the structure of a server, and think of node

hmm found an interesting folder running a process, but not sure how to use it

So I can get the root.txt, but I can’t manage to get a root shell out of it. Any tiny little push on that?

Been banging my head against this for a couple of days now. Got the initial foothold. Got access to another user (Got user.txt). Priv Esc has me stumped. Can someone confirm it has something to do with a certain file that takes a crazy string as one of its arguments?

yep> @whipped said:

Been banging my head against this for a couple of days now. Got the initial foothold. Got access to another user (Got user.txt). Priv Esc has me stumped. Can someone confirm it has something to do with a certain file that takes a crazy string as one of its arguments?

yep, analyze it

any suggestion in how to move from one use to another in this particular box? already got one but is not the one with user.txt.

nevermind I think I found it around the tasks :slight_smile: