Mirai Root

@SHoKMaSTeR said:

@likwidsec said:
What if you didn’t need to ACTUALLY undelete it though? Knowing that EVERYTHING in Linux is a file (including Hard Drives) … how could you retrieve the plaintext strings that are/were in a file?

(mods feel free to edit my post if that’s too “spoilerish” please)

Thank you for your help.
No extra tools are needed, just linux commands :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. Congrats on putting in the effort to figure it out!

And yes, like I’ve said before … no extra tools at all are needed to complete this.

I went through the hints. It was a lot of stuff I already tried. I kept banging my head trying to figure it out. I was using the right tools… just not in the right place.

It was a great learning experience. Not difficult, but challenging enough to force me to think a bit different. :slight_smile:

Machine #2 down! Thank you for the tips!

I think I must be missing something here. Have root and found root.txt and the other file, but a few of comments refer to searching for a string in the file. Isn’t the text just usually a random set of characters? So how can you search for it?

@likwidsec said:

@Axkicker said:
I think i get what youre saying, atleast in principle. I think right now my lack of knowledge in linux and the tools/cmds available is whats holding me back. Im not a complete noob but definitely not a sysadmin level.
I would like to say thanks tho, i know its difficult to guide people when you dont know what they know and you cant flat out give it away. ( not that id want you to either, theres no satisfaction in it!)

For sure. I especially don’t want to just GIVE you the answer, since nobody learns anything that way. But I don’t mind helping nudge you along in the right direction. Just think about what you need to do overall. So you need to figure out how you might access a drive that you are unsure of how to access. Research the linux commands to show you what hard drives exist on the system. Research the commands that can show you how much hard disk space remains on said system. Research commands that will show you the contents of files. You have your answer. Good luck. :slight_smile:

Here’s everything you need to know. Just go thoroughly through each line, if you could get the hint out of each line you’ll have your answer. Don’t jump into any complex commands. The basic one’s are enough.