Could not connect to Redis server in Starting Point Redeemer machine

Hello, I am currently trying out the Starting Point. I am on the Redeemer Machine right now. I have a problem connecting to the machine using the command

redis-cli -h {host-ip} -p {port-number}

After executing the commands it just stuck like that without doing anything else. Do I need to do something else before doing this?

Thank you.

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I was able to connect inside the Redis server after waiting for a long time. Then I need to execute the command INFO to get the Redis server information then a new problem raises the terminal is returning an error Error: recv timeout.

If anyone have an idea on this please help will be much appreciated, I am just a newbie practicing to transition in CyberSecurity.


For additional information about my error, I am using the nmap nse script redis-info. After debugging if the error inside the script is

6379/tcp open  redis   syn-ack
| redis-info: 
|_  ERROR: Failed to receive data from server

Iā€™m experiencing a similar issue. I suspect we might be missing part of the process.
EDIT: Disable your VPN. Worked for me.

Hey, could you elaborate a bit on how you got it to work? Did you disable openvpn? Did you disable it while you were connected?

since redis-cli uses TCP connection if you connect via the UDP version of the VPN it does not work. keep this in mind for future TCP related exploits!

download openvpn file udp.