unable to connect machines

hi in the last week i was unable to connect to the machines, i have a vip account…do you have the same issue guys

@cptHook87 said:

hi in the last week i was unable to connect to the machines, i have a vip account…do you have the same issue guys


If you give a hint as to what cant connect and what messages are shown it might be possible to help.

sure, i cant connect most of the medium level machine, i ve connected the machine on vpn, when i connect to the browser its says “unable to connect” or “we can find the page”, i have a vip account

Ok you might need to dig into this a bit deeper.

The VPN doesn’t connect to a machine it connects to the HTB network. If you have a VIP subscription, you need to start the machine before it becomes available to you.

Not every machine is running a webserver so that isn’t a great way to check.

Try the following:

  1. start the machine.
  2. connect to the HTB VPN
  3. check your IP address (ifconfig look at tun0 or check the access page on your account)
  4. Ping the machines IP address
  5. run traceroute to the machines IP address

That should help identify where the issues are.

awesome now its working…thanks TazWake!!!

nothing mate, i cant connect again to the machines, i followed the steps above, but nothing, i ve tried with 2/3 machines…but no pings
whats the problem then, has it never happened to you?

@cptHook87 said:

nothing mate, i cant connect again to the machines, i followed the steps above, but nothing, i ve tried with 2/3 machines…but no pings
whats the problem then, has it never happened to you?

Well it hasn’t happened to me yet, but I’d never say never.

Traceroute/Tracert is much more effective than simply pinging a host. With ping you cant tell if it down to the box being inactive, the network failing etc.

When you run traceroute, what do you get?

If you cant connect to multiple machines, I’d suspect:

  • you arent connected to the VPN
  • you haven’t activated the machines
  • you are connected via the wrong OVPN (such as starting point vs main boxes)

fix it

the problem was that i had two vpn s opened, one from tryhackme and one from hackthebox, for that reason the traffic (from hackthebox machine) was tunneled through tryhackme s vpn