So the question im stuck for is “Connect to the target host and search for a domain user with the given name of Robert. What is this users Surname?”
with tags as shown "SSH to with user “mtanaka” and password “HTB_@cademy_stdnt!” "
but the problem is, user mtanaka doesn’t exist & i can ssh with user htb-academy, but i cant find this Robert no matter what i try
i know the answer is something like this “Get-ADUser -Filter *” or “Get-ADUser -Identity Robert”
any help ?
Hey! It looks like you have the answer in your post. I just booted this up and it works with the solution you have. Also don’t forget about some of Microsoft’s help pages: Get-ADUser (ActiveDirectory) | Microsoft Learn
im confused how you can get it working, are you ssh as mtanaka? or htb-student, im completely lost on this, or can u just spoil me the surname of this robert XD
here is my result
PS C:\Users\htb-student> Get-ADUser -Filter *
Get-ADUser : The server has rejected the client credentials.
At line:1 char:1
Get-ADUser -Filter *
CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [Get-ADUser], AuthenticationException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADUser
Solved it, apparently you cant ssh as mtanaka
the solution is use xfreerdp to log in as mtanaka
finally i can sleep peacefully XD
Hey sorry for the late response! I logged in just fine from the pwnbox cli with ssh mtanaka@TARGETIP
But regardless, glad you solved it.