Stego - Unified

Stuck on this challenge for quite some time. Tried to explore different type of encoding and methods of hiding information in text like whitespace and unicode homoglyph.

Please provide some hints.

try using interactive python to show you the data in different ways

Well I thought too much. Using other methods to view it solved the issue

I don’t get it, I’ve tried different ways of inspecting it, but with no results. A nudge would be appreciated!

@Sanduuz said:
I don’t get it, I’ve tried different ways of inspecting it, but with no results. A nudge would be appreciated!

Yoı should just google…

Yoı should just google…

Google what?

@magn3tar said:
Yoı should just google…
I solved the challenge but I also don’t understand what was I supposed to Google.

@Sanduuz said:
I don’t get it, I’ve tried different ways of inspecting it, but with no results. A nudge would be appreciated!
I personally solved with hex-editor

My question: is this supposed to be “try-multiple-flag-variations” kind of challenge?
I successfully submitted one variation but it doesn’t seem much better than the few other possible ones.

Hi, there I solved this problem by pasting the txt content opened at TextEdit to the burp suite decoder. However I found that the hex code show on the burp suite is not the same as the original. Can anyone explain? I was totally no idea about that.

completed this challenge if need any help feel free to pm :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Burp can help to decode the wrong UTF-8 string

For some reason, BurpSuite doesn’t reveal the flag for me. Thoughts? UPDATE: Nevermind. I re-downloaded the file, and now it works. How it became corrupted I don’t know.