
Good day,

Can smn help to solve ‘Running SQLMap on an HTTP Request’ module question - 'What’s the contents of table flag3? (Case #3)"

Maybe you can give some tips


So, I wasn’t able to get it with sqlmap. What I was able to do was perform sqlinjection via Burp. See what you can do by modifying the cookie.

I am stuck here as well. Can someone please help me? PM?

try to run sqlmap with --cookie, --dbs flags. You will get some info and can go further, investigate which flags you can use to seen db content.

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Anyone else struggling with this, remember the hint from the first question: Use options “–batch --dump” to automatically dump all data.
This was a deal breaker for me :slight_smile:


In case someone is still looking for the answer…

Since it’s asking us to test the cookie value,
sqlmap ‘url’ --cookie=‘id=1*’ --dump --batch

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What does mean the ‘*’ next to ‘id=1’ cookie parameter? I think i might have missed it.

i completely forgot the --dump --batch part. got everything else right and was going nuts lol

its a special marker for POST parameters. you know the uid=1 but anything after that would need to be run through.

(someone please correct me if i am wrong)

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‘*’ is where sqlmap will attempt to insert SQL payloads to see if the application is vulnerable to SQL Injection through that specific parameter (in this case, the id value in the cookie). Without the *, sqlmap wouldn’t know where is the cookie value to inject its test payloads