Problems with "Getting starded" Module

I’m getting a failed connection (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)

Any one that can point me in the right direction. This is in attempt to get the flag.txt contents after running

smbclient -U bob \\\users

If you still have this problem, downloading a new TCP VPN file and resetting the target helped me.
I spent a good hour figuring it out…

Hi all, a quick recap before my question.

I’ve successfully completed this module, however i struggled to gain the password when logging into Bob…

Even thou it was an easy password, i sat for 30mins attempting to try all easy passwords i knew, 1234, admin, root, etc.

After being unsuccesfull i done a quick search and got it.


If i had to gain access to this machine, is there a way i could automate this process of obtaining the password?

Im attempting to do the entire pen test path without any tips, so for furture refence, is there a way i can automate this ? If so will it be covered in more depth in further modules ?

Last question, more of a dummy question, how did we obtain the username bob ? I ran the following commands, smbclient -N -L \\ IP || and smbclient \\ IP \users

however im abit confused on how we obtained the username, or was it just GIVEN ?

Hi there,

I were in your shoes until 3 min ago, I do not entierly agree on the simple password, it is the 40399th most used password according to the rockyou list… I couldn’t guess it so I tried hydra to brute force but had issues with support for SMBv1 so I tried Metasploit instead.
Package: auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login
PASS_FILE: /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
and other settings

Took about 20 min to brute force but I am quite satisfied with the solution.

Resources I used:

I can’t figure it out either. I get to the file after entering bob and welcome1! but I can’t figure out how to open the file to view the contents for the anser

How can i get the password of bob? i have no idea!

Hey, I also have this question.So, what’s your solution?

The flag.txt is already in been downloaded after yoy enter the “get flag.txt” command!