Find the user for the SMB service and crack their password. Then, when you log in, you will find the flag in a file there. Submit the flag you found as the answer.
I cracked the password but I can’t see the flag in the smb
Find the user for the SMB service and crack their password. Then, when you log in, you will find the flag in a file there. Submit the flag you found as the answer.
I cracked the password but I can’t see the flag in the smb
if you got the credentials, you should be able to use smbclient
to login as the user
the flag is in the share with the same name as the user
How did u found cred and user id of smb
I used Hydra to brute force the username and pw for SMB
For every one who stuck here. ```
use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login to find user name and pass. Try first one and in Shares you will see witch user actually have right to see flag. Log in with that user on share and flag is there