Find the user for the WinRM service and crack their password. Then, when you log in, you will find the flag in a file there. Submit the flag you found as the answer.
Here I have a long password list I need a small password list to crack it could you guys give me some suggestions
if you get at least one user via crackmapexec or hydra we can just enumerate there how many users are there net users and net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users". We can then use this list of users and brute force with the password list provided
For every one who is stack here. So one tricky part is that when you download resources you need to call crackmapexec dircely from unzip folder. So its suppose to look like this : crackmapexec winrm (Target IP) -u username.list -p password.list .
When you get user and pass use it for evil-winrm. Flag is on users Desktop.