Hi everyone, I’m new and I have a problem with this question: “Access the SMB share folder called ‘flag’ and submit the contents of the flag.txt file.”.
I tried it for 1 hour and I can’t find folder “flag”. I used smbclient -N -L \target and later I tried smbclient \target\flage\flag.txt but nothing.
Can anyone help me?
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what key ?
first and last three answers for what ?
Type your comment> @Phoenix4 said:
Type your comment> @Su8Z3r0 said:
Okayyyyyyyyy so the way to acces the folder is easy it’s clearly explained and documented in the information before the quiz.
Trouble im having is i’ve accesd the file downloaded it opened it, then i pasted the whole text file in the answer field and it’s some how wrong??
What gives??
Banking:https://acmebank.local/login.php bobby:Surfer1010! Network:bob.smith@inlanefreight.local:Welcome123! vCenter:
root:B0b_the_m@n!-rootPa$$!So why is it saying this is incorrect ???
What key did you pasted? Post here the first and last 3 characters
This was the contents for the wrong file it was the password.txt file.
You need to open the flag.txt file using the more command.
more flag.txt
@Phoenix4 said:
Hi everyone, I’m new and I have a problem with this question: “Access the SMB share folder called ‘flag’ and submit the contents of the flag.txt file.”.
I tried it for 1 hour and I can’t find folder “flag”. I used smbclient -N -L \target and later I tried smbclient \target\flage\flag.txt but nothing.
Can anyone help me?
Yes what you need to do is as follows.
Scroll to the part of the lesson with the heading SHARES.
Then scroll down to the third terminal image.
These commands are how you access the SMB share server
I think this lesson is quite complicated because no where in the lesson is there reference to which specific command can be used to open the file.
Type your comment> @Su8Z3r0 said:
I think this lesson is quite complicated because no where in the lesson is there reference to which specific command can be used to open the file.
Something you will find in the infosec field is not everything is cut and dry, black and white. You can only hand-hold so much until you need to do some outside research to get your answer.
There are times you will need to research various commands and methodologies during an engagement, that’s just how it is - it’s not a reflection of the quality of the learning material.
I cannot stress this enough - you need to have a basic understanding of what you’re attacking and using to be successful in this kind of stuff. One of the things you need to have a basic understanding of is the command line, and knowing how to open a file in Linux and Window via CLI is one of those things.
That’s true, However opening files in SMB is uses a different set of commands.
I guess i should have read the MAN file, Although it would be helpful for people with no Linux knowledge if there was mention of the command required to open files in the lesson, Just a suggestion.
@Su8Z3r0 - There is a module in the HTB Academy called ‘Linux Fundamentals’, something to check out. It’s “free” in the sense you pay 10 cubes to enroll, but once you complete it, you get the 10 cubes back.
I haven’t done any of the modules in the academy, but I feel this module is a good starting point.
Can somebody give me a hint on this topic? Everytime I attempt to connect as the guest user I get this report “Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)”… Is there another method to connect as the guest user?
Idk if this is part of the question, but the smb ports keep changing between an open and filtered state, which is causing an issue with trying to properly enumerate to see the “flag” share.
Type your comment> @dewest91 said:
Idk if this is part of the question, but the smb ports keep changing between an open and filtered state, which is causing an issue with trying to properly enumerate to see the “flag” share.
I’ve figured it out, would’ve been nice if the question had mentioned that creds for the smb share are already given.
Hey I found the creds …just been trying for an hour on how to enter them…IK this sounds crazy but when I’m typing …the curser is not moving…Lort! Update…found the work around…on to the opening part
wish me blessings
hey so guy’s I tried to access it but when i tried subclient -U bob ////target//users
I tried to login but the password was wrong how did you guy’s login and finish the question
same here
if think Your Problem Has Been Solved But If Any One Having Problems Use This Command
smbclient -U bob \\\users
Password= Welcome1
cd flag
get flag.txt