Ok finally got this worked out. If anyone is having issues do the following.
kill all openvpn connections on your machine.
Login :: Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs
—> This will download a new -startingpoint.ovpn file.
openvpn -startingpoing.ovpn
Thanks T3rminator, this solved it for me.
June 2, 2020, 6:18pm
Type your comment> @TheT3rminat0r said:
Ok finally got this worked out. If anyone is having issues do the following.
kill all openvpn connections on your machine.
Login :: Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs
—> This will download a new -startingpoint.ovpn file.
openvpn -startingpoing.ovpn
Thank you! Resolved my issue
So if i execute nmap and see that all hosts are up, does that mean i am in?
Type your comment> @Rottschalk said:
So if i execute nmap and see that all hosts are up, does that mean i am in?
If you can ping a machine (with a 10.10.10.xx ip), or get results from nmap, that means you can connect to the machines and you can start working on them.