Openvpn Initialization Sequence Completed but no connection

Ok finally got this worked out. If anyone is having issues do the following.

  1. kill all openvpn connections on your machine.
  2. Login :: Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs
    —> This will download a new -startingpoint.ovpn file.
  3. openvpn -startingpoing.ovpn

Thanks T3rminator, this solved it for me.


Type your comment> @TheT3rminat0r said:

Ok finally got this worked out. If anyone is having issues do the following.

  1. kill all openvpn connections on your machine.
  2. Login :: Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs
    —> This will download a new -startingpoint.ovpn file.
  3. openvpn -startingpoing.ovpn

Thank you! Resolved my issue

So if i execute nmap and see that all hosts are up, does that mean i am in?

Type your comment> @Rottschalk said:

So if i execute nmap and see that all hosts are up, does that mean i am in?

If you can ping a machine (with a 10.10.10.xx ip), or get results from nmap, that means you can connect to the machines and you can start working on them.