Official ScriptKiddie Discussion

@resiliencia90 said:
Do you guys also have huge problems with the stability?
Got the user and I think I know how to escalate. But the VM terminates every few minutes. Sometimes I can’t even respawn it (VIP, doesn’t matter if I use the release area or the normal vm; switches between EU and US, regenerated vpn-configs etc).

Didn’t have any problems when I was working on it.
I know a friend of mine was having problems on the free network but that’s pretty standard by now.

I keep getting something went wrong when attempting to “compile” meterpreter. Is this normal? Could someone give me a nudge to get user so i can check if I am on the right path?


I don’t know if it’s the right place to post it but I can’t submit the user flag. Is it because it’s in release arena or I’m doing something wrong. I’ve tried resetting the box but got the same error.

Finally got the user, man this is bit weird machine but glad that i learned something new.

Anddd the machine is ■■■■ stable my user shell got broke like 5-6 times, couldn’t escalate privs.

Rooted. Excellent box

any hint for user please? did we need to use msfvenoom with --k*** flag ?

Very nice beginner box , thanks! :slight_smile:


Nice and straightforward box :).
PM if needed

My user shell is constantly breaking, is anyone facing the same issue?

Type your comment> @LE37 said:

My user shell is constantly breaking, is anyone facing the same issue?

try to use ssh

any hint for user? i already tried to exploit the w******g but it didnt work, anything like a spoiler dm me ; )

Thank you @0xdf for an awesome theme and a pretty cool idea.
Really loved it (once I got my head around the foothold :smiley: )

Any hint please, stuck on foothold, PM me

EDIT got foothold

Box was definitely fun! Thanks @0xdf !

I am running into an issue where it won’t let me submit the user flag as it says incorrect flag…

I have gotten root.txt and submitted that flag just fine… Any ideas?

tried msv****but still unable to get a foothold. Can someone nudge in the right direction?

root@scriptkiddie:/# whoami && id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Fun box, thanks to @HomeSen & @Harbard for the gentle nudge/confirmation.
Feel free to PM for nudges.

Got the user any hint for root

Thanks to @Harbard for getting my mind right for the pivot. I was stuck on some well known syntax that just doesn’t work. Just some trial and error with how things get parsed and what gets executed that you may not expect… very cool box.

hostname && whoami && id

uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

rooted. fun concept for a box - thanks @0xdf!

lots of good hints above so I won’t add to them. PM if you need help.

Any hint for the root?? will linpeas or linenum give us the priv esc path?