Official racecar Discussion

It was provided to you already. Slow down and go back to the very beginning where you downloaded the zip file and read the instructions carefully.

i have no idea what the docker host thing is for, can anybody tell me.

I’m very new in this topic. I found the vuln in the bin but the question is how do I run the program in the server instance?
Thank you in advance!

I started the instance and got the host IP and port and copied it to a web browser but it says: This page isn’t working sent an invalid response.


Where do I go from here?

Continuing the discussion from Official racecar Discussion:

same for me Remote host HTTP protocol error, do u find a solution?
racecar file give me an error on Mac and linux
bash: ./racecar: No such file or directory

Try any of these (remember the space b/n host and port) -

  • nc host port
  • netcat host port

For any other beginners that are getting stuck on the can’t open flag or ./racecar: No such file or directory. Make sure you have downloaded the appropriate tools and packages. Good Luck!

A note for anyone on a Mac with Apple Silicone (M1/2/3), the binary is compiled for intel chips so it will not run on Apple silicon/ARM systems.

Cool challenge long time no see this bug in challenge, anyone need dm me ^^

For Beginners like myself, if you get an Error stating [-] Could not open flag.txt. Please contact the creator create a new text file in the same dir named ‘flag.txt’ and if you’re in Ghidra and or Cutter set mode to read-only :slight_smile:

Solved the racecar challenge, It was a bit difficult for me as I am new to security. I had to take help of walkthrough. But got the flag…Hurray!!!

i have never done a reverse engineering challenge or anything similar.
I think I start to understand what the program does, but have no clue how to manipulate its behavior based on user input.

Can you recommend what topics to read/learn about in order to crack this challenge?
Are there any modules on the academy that relate to this?

Thank you!