Official InfiniteDoge Discussion

Official discussion thread for InfiniteDoge. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.

Hello, I’ve found a flag but it says it is incorrect. I would like to verify that it is normal and the challenge is not broken: The initial of the words of the flag are HTB{S…H…H}

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from discord:


Thank you, that’s what I wanted to know!

Hi. I fixed this game, but I don’t understand how take Flag :smiling_face_with_tear:
Plz change the description to a more accurate one

I’m pretty stuck at trying to get the game running. Any hints would be appreciated, feel free to DM.

Is there going to be a walkthrough for this put out sometime soon. This is an interesting challenge but I’m not sure where to start.

Feel free DM me on Discord if you need for InfiniteDoge:
