Official Pilgrimage Discussion

I cannot get the privilege escalation to work with root. I can get it to execute my code when I try manually with the user account, but the automatic system does not seem to work. Any help would be apreciated.

EDIT: Got the flag, for the root flag I had to zip my exploit before trasfering it to the target device and unziping it there again.

yes me too the pass doesnt seem to work

i just got the pass, and successfully sent in the flag, send me a dm with your password that you got and i will tell you if you are correct.

xxxx@pilgrimage:~$ cat user.txt
xxxxx@pilgrimage:~$ DATE
-bash: DATE: command not found
xxxxx@pilgrimage:~$ date
Mon Jun 26 22:09:58 AEST 2023

Incase someone does not belive i got the user.


hii, i got a username, but i can’t find pass. check php files and find db path, what should i do to find pass? Connect db, check source files or any exploit?, any help? thank you

Need help for root, find in_______it, but no idea, what to do with that… Write in DM pls

I can’t get root, I know what file is “exploitable” but I don’t know how to “exploit”, any hints?

For all those who r struggling in root, I dont know y but it seems to work (only) when u move the exploit from specific folder to target folder id like to know what the enumeration process to get that detail

It worked, thank you!

I got user but rn I am unable to get root, i got linpeas on the machine but when I run it I get permission denied, am I doing anything wrong?


Rooted !!
There are plenty of hints to get User and Root above, which helped me alot.
My hints:

  • User: Code + Google + Reading
  • Root: Process hunting + Code + Google

Feel free to DM!!


can someone help me? i can-t figure out how to exploit b*****k

rooted thanks @fugatu @5105

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Does anyone know an alternative to the b*****k exploit, it doesn-t work for me

Hi guys,

Thanks for the hints, I’ve managed to root the box.

From hints I figured out the exploit required to root the box, but I am curious, how did you guys enumerate the b*****k exploit? My linpeas scan did not find it?

I’m around if anyone needs a nudge

I found the user flag, what is the next step to finding the root flag? I have ran linpeas, this gave me a lot of info but not really anything super usefull. I have also looked at ps aux, but this also didnt really help me.

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look again

Guys, I need help.
I found e***y and my next steps are totally fruitless. I’ve read the code, tried to find the CVE. I’d be grateful for a little help. Thanks