Official Pilgrimage Discussion

I am not being able to decode the db, any tips?

Someone please help me find the credentials. I am lost

exploit for root not working i tested it manually

can someone DM

I found m****k and now im gooogling exploit. Am i on the right way?

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I used CyberChef to decode it

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i have found the vulnerability, but not ablt to dump some data that can lead to the initial foothold, can anyone help??

check the source code ull find it

please help my poc exploit not working for root. i used everything online

I found the user but I donā€™t know the password. What should I do? help me

rooted! did not know the gitdumper thing, but from there it was pretty easy and straightforward :slight_smile: i think every hint on that thread is enough for everyone to solve this box. for every exploit you need to execute on that box, there is a publicly available poc, that you really donā€™t need to change. it works out of the box.

did u check source codes for pass?

thanks bro, already rooted

I can read the pass file and know the user. But I do not know to do next?

I try to find ssh file for the user but fails.

Any hints? thx.

rooted. but Iā€™m still wondering why this machine is called Pilgrimageā€¦ just because go ā€œagainā€ā€¦?

rooted .

Am I missing something with the login credentials for SSH? I have the username and password but canā€™t login.

me too

what u have is name:pass take just the pass

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Hello everyone,
I feel like Iā€™ve been banging my head against the a wall (or should I say walking into one) on root.
For some reason I canā€™t get the exploit just right to trigger the RCE.
Any help would be appreciated!