Official Axlle Discussion

Official discussion thread for Axlle. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.

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Rev up those fryers boys.

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Watching the discord, someone only just now finally got User blood. Looks like this one’s gonna take a while lol

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The box name is very peculiar :wink:

Definitely :sweat_smile:

I’m hurtin’

This box is gonna lose a lot of people for sure lol. That foothold is rough if you havnt really messed with that stuff before.

Yeah its very frustrating. I know WHAT to do but I’ve never messed with the “how” before, namely crafting the payload.

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Is it related to the info that csn be found on the webpage? On how they disabled something for security? :slight_smile:

Yes its related to that. But not in the way your thinking probably.

Read it carefully and really examine the box name closely how do they relate.

This is definitely a “hard” box though. Dont expect it to be to straight forward.

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Same. I know how to get it there but getting the pieces together is really frustrating.

Yeah it isn’t :rofl:
But at least i was in the right direction :smiley:

This sure is a hard box, makes you read stuff before using anything blindly… :joy::joy::joy:

Can anyone help me build that axlle payload in linux? D:
Don’t have a windows box for that…

hi guy you can get it using x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc…

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some hint for root?


Has anyone done this purely in linux yet? Ive tried Building it manually in windows and its still not working. About to just let it this box go. Ive tried the MSFVenom way also but cant covert it either.

Yea. I did it purely in linux, it’s 100% possible.