Official Axlle Discussion

oh fun!!! learn too much .
Working in a rough fields but got it with some useful helps…
really really Fun one!!


I’m seeing that my reading list is gonna bump up a notch.

■■■■. :sweat_smile:

:sweat_smile: little bit

Learning a lot of metasploit with this box lol. :woozy_face:

anybody who already done initial in the mood of sending me dm?
tried multiple ways, none of them working, kinda fustrating :smiley:

Hello again.
Anyone got tips on lateral movement from d****n.m****x user? ty

nvm, rooted, was a really fun and hard box for me

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may i dm only for initial? :slight_smile:


Yeah, ofc.
If anyone else needs hints - you’re free to dm me.

So far, after a hint on initial and achieving the first shell, I figured out what my next target user is with a sharphound dump. But getting to that user from my current is something I am still manually enumerating for, as a straightforward path has eluded me from tool scans. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

This box kicked my ■■■. I’m fuming :fire: learned a lot of neat tricks though. Definitely earned its “hard” rating.
Looking back it really wasn’t that bad once you know the steps but man figuring it out was a real pain. Thanks for all the nudges from people :green_heart: :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog:

Im happy to help ( I dont respond quickly sometimes tough ) anyone with nudges and handholding. Im here to grow and learn with you. Feel free to nudge me. I do write ups for myself and can walk through this as much as we need to.


Does this box has directories or Vhost, because I can’t find anything!

Any hint for foothold would be appreciate it

Don’t overthink it. Read the webpage you find rigth at the beginning, it tells you what you need to do.

should I use excel payload vba and send it to accounts@axlle.htb ?!
Is it even something has to do with enabling macro in excel

Am I on the right track ?!

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Not macros.
There is an interesting file extension that you should look for.

@FroggieDrinks gave a good hint about the name of the box. :eyes:

This machine was something :sweat_smile:
big thanks to @FroggieDrinks and @SpiritWolf for the nudges:)
DM If you need any nudges.


Kind of a generic house keeping question here.

Once the initial foothold is obtained, and you discover the thing from the people that are doing testing of the thing, is it possible to accidently crash that thing if you give it the wrong type of thing causing you to need to reset the box?

I gave it a thing, it seemed to do a thing but my thing was in the wrong format I think. Now it never does the thing again

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A whole lot of things done to a whole lotta things! :rofl: