Official Late Discussion

Official discussion thread for Late. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.


Give me a hint! I found THAT DOMAIN, (well, you know), I tried everything. I uploaded files in different formats, tried to run the web-shell. All in vain.


i am stuck at that domain any hint

Really nice machine, thanks @kavigihan !

@JustMarfix you are probably on the right track. Playing a bit with the tool at ā€œthatā€ domain is a good starting point to understand what it does and how.

Now a few advices:

  • Identify the webserver, framework and the backend language that are used (quite obvious but important).
  • Look for common types of vulnerabilities related to this particular backend.
  • The type of vulnerability is common but the way to exploit it requires some ā€œpictorialā€ creativity.

Thanks a lot! I tried to play with it yesterday. I spent ~3 hours trying to do smth, hah. I also used Wappalyzer.

This one was really painful for me. Getting it to do what I wanted took way too for me long on foodhold! Root was pretty straight forward

PM me for nudges if needed


can you give me a hint, i already found the domain, try to run commands via image, but still no progressā€¦

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Thanks to bolazoo i got User, stuck with rootā€¦

I think I have figured the main idea, but get a ā€œ******** ***** ā€˜end of ***** ******', *** 'glob__ā€™ā€ error when trying to upload. Any hints?

Phew! This one took me a while to get RCE, but it was a breeze once I did. If youā€™re running into issues with this box, different fonts in different places might help :wink:

(If youā€™re working toward the OSCP, I would say this one is a good 20-pointer type of box)

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plzz i need hint for rce
currently im on upload part

I have a piece of advice for all of you who hit the wall over and over again: keep trying!
I had to do all the steps again since Iā€™m on another computer now so I donā€™t have the progress made the other day, thank God I already knew I was doing the right steps because yesterday I got user.txt but when I tried to read the file that gave me the key to access the box, I got an error on every try. If it was the first time Iā€™ve approached this machine with this kind of error, Iā€™d think thatā€™s not the right vector for the intrusionā€¦
In short, even if you hit the wall, keep trying.

stuck on the upload page for more than a hour now. currently trying to use e******l and upload the malicious file, but to no avail. Am I on the correct path?

doing the same at this moment, so I guess we are on the right path? :stuck_out_tongue:

same stuck on that uploads tried b**** but cant find anything in hold

I am right there with you. Gone through what feels like 100 fonts so far. Not the most enjoyable foothold is itā€¦ lol


I used the default font with a large size.
IMO it is more reliable dealing with the expression, applying some of the tricks for this technique, to avoid ambigious character / character combination.


Oh my word, thanks for that @tec Yes indeed, that helps massively!

Stuck at the enumeration part donā€™t know what to do. shows 502 bad gateway, please help me out.

@R007KIT R007KIT try discovering more domains