Official discussion thread for FormulaX. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.
How are we doin guys
Got the User flag and I think I know how to advance from here. Im 99% sure I have the next step (first pivot once user flag is obtained), however the exploit wont work. gonna try later, I suspect someones trolling my machine…
can someone help me with a little hint with the payload for the chatbot, i think that i am very close
sanity check: been at this for a long time, only managed to get html tags in the chat message
Really fun box this one!
To me it felt very fair, more like a Medium Plus than a “Hard” box.
Can anyone provide hints towards chat? For some reason my exploit is not working, is it because of HT******de?
God, finally rooted, very hard for a beginner like me.
Is it normal that just the ssh port is open?
Hi, were you able to solve the closed port problem?
Hi, upon initial nmap scan, is it normal for tcp/80 be closed?
Trying to build my xss test, please DM if anyone wants to help, thanks.
Did you find port 80 open after scanning? It is consistently closed from my end
HTB posted a small warning box just above the machine spawn button, claiming that port 80 can take a long while to open up. I’d reset the box and wait a bit and come back after 10 mins.
Can’t find any warning
Went back and respawned, I didn’t not get the message this time. I hope it ends up working. A few days back it worked for me first try.
Try switching VPN regions, or just run another box and come back in a day or two.