Official discussion thread for Encryption Bot. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.
Good challenge! If anyone is stuck feel free to message me on discord:
I would also like to know, I’ve been trying for days and I can’t.
Good day,
I hope you are well. Would like to ask some advise on this please.
Nice challenge. If you are using Ghidra to reverse engineer the binary, take attention to how it decodes strings.
Pretty nice this challenge, for the beginners try to understand which function does what, debug every step of the binary and you will know what to do next
Anyone still trying to do this challenge? I have an issue and need some assistance
hey the challenge flaag is visible but it keep showing like it isnt the right one : HTB{I_4M_R3v3rse_EnG1ne3eR}
I can’t figure this out either I have found the flag, but shows as an error when I input it