Official Chemistry Discussion

Official discussion thread for Chemistry. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.


hi is anyone having difficulty connecting?

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Yes machine is taking forever to load, webserver never loads

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Yea Can’t even ping.

its working now:)

Are you supposed to get the initial foothold via SSRF?

Hi, does anyone trying to do a hard-rockyou.txt bruteforce? If so - please stop. :wink:

I think this could be the reason machine is dead from-start-to-30-min-max…

Should we restart VM one more time…? :wink:

*Hint from me: don’t bruteforce or hard-portscan-vulners. “You’re simple The Best!” :wink:


Hey guys ,

may i get a hint please ?


Web-enum should be a hint…

Good luck! :wink:

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Trying to figure out the payload for example.cif


If anyone is already done with the machine can I get some help with getting a foothold? I have a few potential ideas but they aren’t working out

Offtopic question to all of us:

can we all remember about ‘cleaning the house’ after we visited it?
We can all remember about not spoiling too much here on the forum.
But can we also try to remember to clean our own jobs-done-scripts&tmp-files to not-spoilt to other players?

“just a thought” :wink:



just rooted.

i can help who stucks

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any hint would be helpful

Message me if anyone needs help!


Hi there, i’ll dm you so we dont spoil others!


found the initial foothold point, need a hint to achieve it

Hints ***

-quick nmap scan, check the ports for webpages
-Search the keywords you see in your screen + “exploit” or something related

  • Check if the payload is working with something simple and easy not many will work for the shell running it is limited, if you want a shell use one of these should work
  • Privilege escalation to user: Look for databases inside the application, this step can also be done without getting a shell first
  • Privilege escalation to root: Check for ports that were hidden from our first nmap scans, forward them to your machine and go back to stage one of enumeration

fun easy box, perfect because got home late, and did it while watching a movie, prob not a good idea since I made a stupid mistake at the end instead of doing it the obvios way :sweat_smile:


User was easy, but root took me an hourish.

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