Official BoardLight Discussion

Could you please help me with the way to get the root of this box?

Any hint for user ? please

Feel free to DM.

Got it!
good machine

only hint: really search those files in www-data.

linpeas :))

really look into the files in html…

I’m happy to share that I finished the box :blush:.
Thanks to the ones that helped me !

If you have questions, do not hesitate to PM me.
Happy hacking !

Pls people stop resetting the machine, just enum subdomains properly >:/

Thnx. Rooted :slight_smile:

I’m stuck at boardlight machine. I got initial access but I’m stuck at www-data user. I can’t get the user flag. any hints ?

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Are you still working on www-data?

No I got the user. but still trying to root

Use this to find users on the machine:
cat /etc/passwd | grep bash

Bro i tried fuzzing the subdomains and even added it to the host file but still i want able to find subdomains

How did you did it?

Nice and easy machine.

Hint for shell: enumerate properly;

Hint for user: look carefully in the common folders. You don’t need a DB, the solution is easier than it seems;

Hint for root: use linpeas, the light will guide you.


How was i supposed to find the subdomain? It only worked after adding it to my /etc/hosts, but i had to look it up

I still managed to complete it, but there is no way for me to actually find the subdomains on my own. I go through the whole wordlist and nothing, only then i check what i should have find, i add it to /etc/hosts and only then i can find it using my wordlist. Its like that with all the HTB labs, am I missing something? I never can enumerate the subdomains

i’m stuck with the mysql command to access the database, i enter the posswad but i get no reponse