Official Bizness Discussion

thanks for replying, i’ll try again tomorrow :slight_smile:

hello I don’t see what else I can do to exploit the server, I was able to resolve the ip in name on /etc/host I also did DNS lookup but nothing anyone have a clue?

have you tried fuzzing dirs?

For those who are facing session disconnects within a minute, Try changing VPN server… it worked for me.


Hi, I am new to HTB just started bizness as my first machine, and I am stuck on accessing the bizness.htb website, I did some digging and found out I must add the machine IP to the /etc/hosts file and I did but after that, I kept getting another error connection timed out. I will add the necessary screenshots so I can make my self clearer any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance :slight_smile:
Cant add more than 1 image as a new user, but this is my /etc/hosts configuration

in the end I was able to make a lot of headway, but now I’m turning around i’ve got a SHA but I tried to decipher it with John the ripper and it didn’t work.

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check if your vpn is enabled, ping the target address and then associate the address with the domain name and restart dns services

So I have rooted this box, but when inputing the flags I am getting a wrong answer. Not sure there is more on top of this

I found the sha hash, how do i decrypt it

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Hello. I’m very new to HTB, had completed 5 academy modules under pentesting job role and would like to try live machine.
What I did:

  1. nmap enumerate found TCP/22 with some CVEs
    TCP/80 will hang with --script=vuln
  2. added /etc/hosts
  3. subdir enum using fuff got only /control and /index.php
  4. try went through various .js code

Right now I don’t know what to go on, or what can I do with the CVEs. Can anyone please give a hint.
Or maybe I should go back to continue the modules :joy:

I would check with:
$ ip a s
and see if there’s tun0 interface with 10.10.x.x/23 ip address which is the VPN tunnel IP

PE is a shitshow, no wonder this machine have a low review.

It did teach me to pay more attention though. Did not enjoy it not one bit. Wouldn’t recommend nor would do it again.

I got access to the system, but when i cat user.txt and submit it, it shows that its wrong? I’ve already reset the machine so I don’t know what’s going on.

Someone help please?

I legit got the root flag, but the user flag is still incorrect. I changed machines, reset the machine, new vpn, this machine is a 1 star from me. Not good or educational.

I had to reply here because this took me wayyyy longer than i thought.
Everything above will be a great help… although I and a few people above didn’t need the kind of help given.

I spent all day Trying to figure out why JAVA_HOME wasn’t right… (KeyError: ‘JAVA_HOME’).

Someone above hints that, they altered the PoC script slightly… although i’m sure someone said that wasn’t necessary.

Well, I was about to give in, then it dawned on me, “I’m fairly sure my JAVA_HOME is right, last thing I’m going to try is” my new approach was to be … lets say “variably direct”
:wink: :wink:

dunno if that gives it away. or even if that isn’t supposed to be appart of the puzzle but I kept it cryptic just incase.

if you have the PoC and you get KeyError: ‘JAVA_HOME’, check your JAVA_HOME is correct in all the places it should be, if it still isn’t working see my hint above.

No idea if it made a difference, i was running JAVA 11 rather than 18. (something I’d tested earlier on)

For privilege escalation, how were you supposed to know where to find the hash amongst the hundreds of .dat files? Figured it out in the end but I still have no clue on how one would locate that other than just blindly running grep everywhere.

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My reverse shell keeps breaking within a couple of minutes. Is that how the box is or did I miss something?

Edit: The same happens with SSH. I get “client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe”. Can’t hang on to the shell for more than 2 minutes. And now, I can’t even begin the priv esc. Any inputs is highly appreciated.

If you need some tips, feel free to DM :slight_smile:

Gotten both user & root flags but neither are accepted? Is this a known issue with the box or have i missed something?

Well, it’s where the DATA is BASEd. :wink: