Note keeping tool

What do you guys suggest is a good notepad or something to write notes while going through the boxes? I am on Parrot and using QOwnNotes thats already build in, but I am not enjoying it. Trying to see what tools others are using to keep track of their information.

Boostnote. I like it because of Markdown.

Many people (on OSCP threads etc) are recommending CherryNote, but personally I still prefer Zim [] ; Markdown-like wiki syntax, with the content stored as plaintext files (grep-able and easily modified; whereas CherryNote uses sqlite or alternatively a single xml file iirc). Core plugins add versioning, easy screenshot grabbing, code blocks with syntax highlighting, calendaring, etc.

As much as it pains me… MS OneNote is the most useful one I’ve ever tried.
The cloud based browser version just works and keeps everything synced. The formating and multimedia features are very good.
I’m by no means a Windows or Microsoft fanboi. So feel a little ashamed to admit it tbh.
Tried many other free/opensource note keeping apps in the past.


@dodo said:

I just looked them up and that looks nice. Do you use the paid version and if so do you think it is worth it?

@ZerkerEOD: No paid version (I’m poor) but the free one is enough for me but I think that for 5$ at month it is worth it.

I use gedit

@dodo said:
@ZerkerEOD: No paid version (I’m poor) but the free one is enough for me but I think that for 5$ at month it is worth it.

I am testing it out and paid the $10 for a quater to check it out. I would happily pay so much more if it allowed me to keep notes and then import them into a final report. But the Report tab seems to lack since I have to retype all my notes (this is assuming I use it for reporting job based penetration test).

I personally like keepnote. It works on linux/mac/windows which makes it nice for when I’m doing stuff on my laptop to go and I just keep them in a synched folder. I used OneNote for the longest but the search in it is really poor when you are searching for characters like “,” or commands containing just a word. Keepnote seems to handle this better imo :slight_smile:

@peek said:
I use gedit

I also prefer gedit. YMMV but i’ve found that the bells and whistles in most dedicated note-taking apps are unnecessary and distract more than they contribute, IMO.

I find sublime text to be pretty good but most of the time I just use gedit or vim or whatever is there or notepad ++ is good too linux and win but my ubuntu version I have is a little buggy at times not sure if it’s my system but I like sublime more than notepad ++ for linux

i use ###for title then ##for nmap then => etc

keepnote / Cherrytree - this is good for CTF/challenges… self contained

Microsoft One Note - I use this for a general scrapbook/wiki off stuff like cheatsheet guides. quick simple to slap stuff in

Notepad++ - cant go wrong with text files and a good folder structure and named screenshots. i typically use this for pentests. others like dradius, canvas, dart, serpico are ok but i feel over complicate things… looks good and i want to try the self hosted version could be good.

I just use notepad++

Type your comment> @shifty0g said:

keepnote / Cherrytree - this is good for CTF/challenges… self contained

Microsoft One Note - I use this for a general scrapbook/wiki off stuff like cheatsheet guides. quick simple to slap stuff in

Notepad++ - cant go wrong with text files and a good folder structure and named screenshots. i typically use this for pentests. others like dradius, canvas, dart, serpico are ok but i feel over complicate things… looks good and i want to try the self hosted version could be good.

I am still waiting for the selfhosted version also. They are also in the works to get a shared encounter going also for a team type attack. They will hopefully soon be everything that I need. I just wish the did Inline Code Snippets instead of just Block Code, and have the ability to add screenshots to the hosts notes and not just in the report section.

i tested keepnote and cherrytree, I prefer cherrytree. Maybe i havent found it, but why dont they add a screen capture tool ?

Cherrytree ftw. Free, offline, open-source, Markdown, hierarchical, font support, password protection, searching through everything… what else is there I could possibly need?

I hate anything that is online-only like because it makes assumptions about my network setup. Sometimes I want to work on stuff offline or away from wifi, and then what use is that service to me?

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Type your comment> @dodo said:

it’s great.