New Tool Released! - minum : Minimal Enumeration Tool

Dear you all !

I wanted to share with you a new tool that I’ve been working on regarding the automation of finding privilege escalation vectors!
The tool is called: minum for Minimal Enumeration Tool.

This enumeration for privilege escalation tool, unlike many others, is built towards the idea of finding the top most relevant privilege escalation vectors for its user.
The idea is to prevent throwing a lot of things at the user and let him begin searching for a needle in a haystack.

Instead, it will ask you for your preferable routes throughout its running and will present to the user only the interesting stuff.
Letting you spend more time on exploiting and less time on reading tons of text all over the place.
At the end it will also load for you automatically in case you want an indepth lookout.

Your opinion is important to us! so feel free to:

  • Star up the repo if you found it useful :star_struck:
    And of course share with your colleagues :man_student: :woman_student:

  • Or leave an idea for modification down below or at the Issues section on the repo :cowboy_hat_face:

We will be glad to make modifications so there will be a great privilege escalation automation lightweight tool out there!
