
pm me if you want help

@FlapJack said:
@str> @Strank said:

I was able to retrieve the admin password from the the special .k file but i don’t know how to escalate privileges with using them any help would be greatly appreciated.

This is where I am at. I was able to get a few passwords but not too sure what to do with them…

I tried runas and many different things but no success.

Did you guys use john or hashcat? I have been getting better results with hashcat but it seems to complain about the .k format…

@v0idPtr said:
Did you guys use john or hashcat? I have been getting better results with hashcat but it seems to complain about the .k format…

I used both. A form of John and the Hash… PM if you need assistance with that part. Just finished that part…now trying to figure out how to use it :slight_smile:

It shouldn’t take more than a minute with John and a common wordlist. From there I recommend FULLY enumerating the file you now have access to. Don’t let your eyes fool you while exploring. : )

Wow that was painfull!! Almost two full days with a reverse shell and many rabbits holes later and I finally got root. Turns out I had all needed for a while but just didn’t use it correctly. Lessons learnt, but I still don’t like Windows boxes!

■■■■ JEEVES… that’s all i want to say haha this guy can help you >> @oR10n

can you find that .k* file, or you must convert it to that format? I know what I’m looking for, but I can not find it… :dizzy:

@blackangel said:
can you find that .k* file, or you must convert it to that format? I know what I’m looking for, but I can not find it… :dizzy:

Ahh… I just had to restart htb x)

If you guys need help with this, you can message me. I learned a lot from this one, especially when it comes to privesc.

Stuck on Jeeves. Got user.txt, found .k*** file,cracked it , found password. Open .k*** file to get lot of passwords but none of them are working. Not sure where i missed. Can someone please help me.

Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

Just getting started on Jeeves.

Can you give me any hint for jeeves? Because I ran dirb, gobuster with some wordlists, but I found nothing…

@6h05t said:
Can you give me any hint for jeeves? Because I ran dirb, gobuster with some wordlists, but I found nothing…

Dirbuster is your friend here, but patients is a virtue best suited to find what you need.
Try using the Dirbuster on the HTTP Ports but give it time. After that its pretty simple what you need to do.

@LHM said:
Stuck on Jeeves. Got user.txt, found .k*** file,cracked it , found password. Open .k*** file to get lot of passwords but none of them are working. Not sure where i missed. Can someone please help me.

Any tips regarding what passlist to use???

@alaem said:
Any tips regarding what passlist to use???


@alaem said:

@LHM said:
Stuck on Jeeves. Got user.txt, found .k*** file,cracked it , found password. Open .k*** file to get lot of passwords but none of them are working. Not sure where i missed. Can someone please help me.

Any tips regarding what passlist to use???

Stuck at exactly the same place! Waiting for my ‘never mind’ moment. Little push needed


@dneyed said:

Stuck at exactly the same place! Waiting for my ‘never mind’ moment. Little push needed

It turns out my hash was corrupt, doublecheck that your copy of the file matches and try a different cracking tool