AX Jeeves

Just wanted to get a conversation started on Jeeves

idk if it’s my connection or the VPN, any page of the server doesn’t load :confused:
I can enumerate with nmap, gobuster and other tools, but when trying to load these pages on the browser it hangs

Hey pk66 - I was on this last night and you should be able to load pages on both web services.

stupid question, but I am system now and I can’t find the root.txt in the users\administrator\desktop… hm.txt, searched high and low, wut ?

carry on people, nothing to see here :anguished: facepalm.

I have System… where the heck is root.txt??? lol


I have done a lot of enumeration and still I have not found something to stand on any clues to what I may be missing?

Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

@h0m3r said:
Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

run dirbuster ? or askjeeves

I feel like an idiot… where on earth is the root flag?


@h0m3r said:
Any hints on Jetty 9.4.z-SNAPSHOT? Directory traversal?

Found something?

I’m probably looking at this one totally wrong, having trouble getting a session from my PS script in a certain console, it’s taking the payload and looks to be initiating but the meterpreter just hangs, should I be looking at ‘build’ instead, any ideas :slight_smile:

I got a reverse shell and user.txt, to find root.txt is needed an exploit to priv esc? All exploits I’ve tried are not working…

@MrRobotty said:
I got a reverse shell and user.txt, to find root.txt is needed an exploit to priv esc? All exploits I’ve tried are not working…

You could attempt exploits, they might work. Keep enumerating and looking for things that look out of pllace.

Could anyone give me a lil nudge here? I am just freaking stuck… dotdotpwn found some directory traversals but I am totally stuck there. How the freak can I process here? I try this for a few days now and I feel I am completely lost… any slight hint is appreciated!

I got the user shell / flag. not sure on priv esc at this point.

@Deadstopp said:
I feel like an idiot… where on earth is the root flag?

I am having the same emotions! also have system hm.

change your perspective to list file … try dir command with a different option…