Footprinting Lab - Hard

Hi guys, i’m so stuck!! I got private key, generated public key, each time I’m trying to log into via ssh I’m asked about the password and it’s incorrect <I’m providing the one I found while enumerating snmp. I know the correct user is b… because t… doesn’t work with the found private key, but the password seems to be incorrect? Any clue what I’ve been missing here?
ps. I tried via root, i tried via putty and regular ssh, i tried to enforce login by public key only, all to no avail. Please help

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I was right where you’re at. I just completed it and I was way way overthinking it. Try taking a step back and just ssh into the first user you found. Try look for any services to login to?? You will get it I believe in you!!!

Thanks man. Will do so and hopefully this time it’ll be better:) Another day, fresh brain, lots of hope…we’ll see if this suffices;)

solved! I don’t know what was wrong yesterday but I couldn’t login to ssh but today everything went smoothly and the rest followed; perhaps htb was trying to to check my persistence;) Anyway, it was a lot of fun, good luck everyone.

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can anyone explain?

curl -k ‘imaps://’ --user tom:NM…61
curl: (67) Login denied

If you get stuck at what to do after loggin in with SSH, just look for previous commands from tom users. i.e history.
Great module.

I know that this is old but for ppl looking for help along the way, after copy and pasting contents of a public key in a text file I called ssh_key.txt, as long as you add the begginning and ending lines, it doesnt matter what you label the key. sudo chmod 0600 ssh_key.txt . the ssh -i ssh_key.txt works fine. the part im stuck at is enumeration of the system once im in ssh. I type top to see clues of what is running now im trying to find credenttials to get it.

i dont curl very often at all so i dont know. i solved this elswise. sometimes though i noticed that despite having the correect credentials for logging in certain services that i have to do it a certain way on these machines. for example on 90 percent of the service i authenticate to i have to use only -user flag with username showing. then i let it ask me for the password and it works. youll notice that also. if i use -pass flag however the script or program specifies, it wont let me in says denied bad password. makes no sense because its in clipboard still and i just wait until it asks me then paste it it lets me right in

I first ran the history command to see what someone did before. There I found the service.
Since we got a password from the snmp enumeration, my first option was trying to reuse the password. If that did not work, than I would go further in the enumeration.

i swear for me its the most ******* annoying lab experience, because the ssh connection keeps HANGING UP. im in the middle of entering commands to mysql and it just lags the **** out everytime. I tried connecting via htb pwnbox instance and it still has the same ******* problem. It has no business timing the **** out every 3 minutes im connected to it.

  1. SNMP to get creds
  2. POP3 to get id_rsa
  3. ssh user@ip -i id_rsa
  4. history
  5. mysql login
  6. sql query to get HTB user