Does PwnBox store the data?

Does PwnBox only store data for the session or can i for example create a file, which will be there forever when i use pwnbox? Or is it always a completely new pwnbox when i start it up? i am thinking of buying vip.

There is a small folder that you can use for your stuff. As for how long it stays there I’m not 100% sure. Been a while since I used it. I want to say it was like 50 gigs.

Type your comment> @PrivacyMonk3y said:

There is a small folder that you can use for your stuff. As for how long it stays there I’m not 100% sure. Been a while since I used it. I want to say it was like 50 gigs.

Okay, thanks! Going VIP now, awesome platform ^^

VIP is how I taught myself hacking in the start :slight_smile: