Attacking Common Applications - WordPress - Discovery & Enumeration

Attacking Common Applications - WordPress - Discovery & Enumeration

Hello guys, please, someone can give me a hint ??? on this question “Perform manual enumeration to discover another installed plugin. Submit the plugin name as the answer (3 words).”

When I perform manual or automatic enumeration I found on 4 plugins available


But nothing of this works, I’m very confuse

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Look at the source code of the websites. Maybe you will discover another plugin

I already done that but I didn’t see anything :sleepy:

I had found the answer from the beginning but I did not know the exact format of the answer

So for this same section, how would I go about finding the version number of said plugin? I found the name poking around the website/code but I can’t figure out how to determine the version number? Thanks!

each plugin has a readme.txt page. I found there…

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Search after “Changelog” in the readme.txt, you will see a couple of version try it


I got it, thanks! I don’t know why I couldn’t find the plugin readme the first couple times…

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Hi bro,
I found the same problem. can you give me hint?
I found
but all of them incorrect answer


I am running into the same issue, none of them work and WP Scan only finds contact form and mail masta

Solved: Look through some of the actual content of the WP site i.e. posts, comments, etc

Hi bro, the answer is composed of 3 words tried the words without "-":slightly_smiling_face:

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/plug-name/readme.txt is hidden

Can you help me to find the plugin?
I went the the source page in the post, comments but found nothing!

Stuck here for long

tu fais un grep plugins et il est la sans la version exact ! Je suis en train de chercher la version justement

Je l’ai trouvé !
Visitez simplement

plugin:Contact Form 7

Why is the answer not being accepted?
I don’t know if the format is wrong or if the answer itself is incorrect.

Nvm, Solved.