A simple query about out future

Hey Hackers, hope you are all good, I know this may be a stupid question but please I need some guidance.

My mind came up with a question, which is about the future of ethical hacking.

As you all know AI is evolving and much much better SIEM solutions are there, very high level (next gen) firewalls are there… So it wouldn’t be a risk to learn hacking as it may become of no use?

For example I heard about that SQL injections aren’t that much common these days, which means it is mitigating and extincting day by day… and also other vulnerabilities.

The term “Anything is not 100% secure!”
I assume it with a scenario of a battleground: Suppose there is a fort(application) and a spy visits it to see it’s open/weak entry points(vulnerabilities). When the attack is performed the weak/open points are used to get in(exploit). But if there are no broken walls, fences, and it has a great strong gate guarded by soldiers. The attacker may use weapons like battle rams, tanks etc to break the walls (and make an entrance of your own)…

Is it possible to break the wall and make a way of your own in Ethical Hacking???

I am a cyber sec student with interest in EH, currently have very basic knowledge about hacking , if I am wrong about anything please correct me. And a very big thanks in advance for answering my queries.

In my opinion, the reasoning actually goes the opposite way. As automation and AI-driven applications become more prevalent and more stuff keeps pivoting from the offline to online world, the number of potential targets grows exponentially. Not to mention the new attack vectors that keep popping up. Let’s not forget, AI is just software.

Besides that, you can spend a few minutes digging through your own computer and I bet you’ll find outdated software or libraries. Now imagine that on a global scale, with bad programming and human error thrown into the mix. The attack surface is massive and it’s only getting bigger.

AI might help us detect new threats (only for those who know what they’re looking at), but it won’t update your Windows.

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