same for me! i found the web*** but cant access it, and tried all the DNS lists
I was able to access it using curl. But I just get a welcome message. You need to change the /etc/hosts file to web****.inlanefreight.htb
i believe i got it…
just found 2 subdomains, nothing else
I found the subdomain web**** but I havent been able to access it, any ideas?
Ive changed the /etc/nano to include it and i even tried with ONLY the subdomain
also tried enumerating subdirs of the subdomain with dirb and fullrecon and no luck.
I respun up the target machine and I was then immediately able to reach the subdomains landing page. No idea why lol
any tips on what to do after getting the key ?
You need to follow the module and use the ReconSpider tool and then you will see the results (
May I ask how you fixed this? I encounter the same issue, but do not know how to solve this :-/ Do you know how to install / solve this issue system-wide instead of venv?
That question got me at first. But, you have to search the correct URL.
Here’s a guide for creating an venv: 12. Virtual Environments and Packages — Python 3.12.4 documentation
I had the exact same issue when using the pre-installed finalrecon on my system. It seems to be a different version because the one you are using doesn’t require a --url flag, but the one from the course does. So, I removed it and followed the steps from the previous module to install a fresh one. Also had to create an venv in the new finalrecon directory (shared the link above) to fully install the items in the requirements.txt. Now finalrecon works for me. Hope it helps.
I’m stuck on first API key …
any help appreciated and good luck!
Man, thank you VERY VERY much! This helped me in so many cases… Every pip install gave me the same problem. Now they all seem to be solved, thanks to you
In that case I have (hopefully) one last question. The task says vhost inlanefreight.htb is needed. But they give us an IP with a port number. How can I bring these together? I meen I can not add a port number into /etc/hosts
Still need help finding it?
Unfortunately yes. I do not know how to link a specific port inside my /etc/hosts or any other method to solve this problem. Simply put i do not know how to fuzz inlanefreight.htb if I can not direct it to a specific port on this IP
I feel like the next module should actually go before this one. At least for the vhost stuff (goes more indepth), you’ll see. You need to edit your /etc/hosts file (sudo nano /etc/hosts is an easy way) to add the IP address that points to the URL (inlanefreight.htb). This is how you can resolve DNS for URLs with no public IP (vhosts), your browser goes there first. That’s why they say “vhosts required” or something. The port number does not go in that file, only IP. You add the port to the URL in your fuzzing commands. Hint: Be sure to add any subdomains you find to your hosts file as you go along. Good luck.
Thanks to your hints I managed to find include the Port in my fuzzing and found a vhost called we…7.inlanefreight.htb but when I run finalrecon it tells me “API Keys not found”
Need to spider that subdomain to check for any available extensions/files that you can visit.
Man… I finally managed to find it… Thanks a lot for your truely helpful hints… This was some inception type thing