Web Recon Skill Assessment Question 3

Is anyone having the following issues with FinalRecon? I did a clean install from the git repo like in the instructions I just cant get it to work:

I just had the same problem… I installed it like this:

Thanks for the reply but Im getting the same response:

Ah no… Stop… I also did the following:

  • inside your finalrecon folder create a venv for python
  • syntax = python3 -m venv [choose a name for the folder]
  • then activate it = source [folder name]/bin/activate
  • now on the left side of your cli you should see this name
  • now pip3 install [check requirements for what is needed]
  • now run finalrecon = python3 finalrecon.py --full --url http://target.com

This works for me at least. Credit for the python venv goes to @R19htByt3
You can read more about this here https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html


woooow this was perfect. Thank you for the clear explanation

You are welcome :slight_smile: Oh and to get out of this venv you simply type deactivate in your cli. The folder name should disapear again :+1:

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Thanks again for the great help, were you stuck on #4 or #5? Cant seem to find what subdomain to crawl, I crawled both the original and the w…inlanefreight.htb and no emails. ReconSpider doesnt seem to be giving any results regarding that

I hope this hint isn’t too much, but these two are not the only domains. You should look for even “deeper” domains if you know what I meen :slight_smile: Also: one option inside GoBuster that made the difference for me, was the option --append-domain

just found on youtube, there is new updated video for this since yesterday.
good luck and thanks!

Hi everybody ! I finally had time to finish this assessment. The biggest part of my problems was my antivirus software blocking my gobuster and fuff requests. If you have any question on any part of this assessment I will be glad to help. Thanks everyone and good luck !

Virtual Environment: Sometimes, using a virtual environment avoids many issues.
As mentioned before, create the virtual environment, and you can run the tool.

python3 -m venv myenv 
source myenv/bin/activate 

I was having the same issue “No module named ‘tldextract’”

Following these steps helped me, thank you.

Question - How can you identify when a virtual environment is required? In the event the same issue comes up with a different tool

thank you so much! this was driving me insane!

Man that one was tough to work out but so easy once you do figure it out! For those seeing this and still stuck, be sure to keep adding new vhosts that you find to your host file and do all your scans on everything you find!

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yes… it was driving me crazy as well :smiley: Credit for the python venv goes to @R19htByt3

I will recommend to use the Pwnbox for this exercise.