Try adding a / at the end of your command.
Also if you have been working on the box for about 90 minutes remember to check to see if the box has shut down automatically… I have no idea how long I was FUFFING around for with the box not even up.
Try adding a / at the end of your command.
Also if you have been working on the box for about 90 minutes remember to check to see if the box has shut down automatically… I have no idea how long I was FUFFING around for with the box not even up.
It’s still not working. I checked the box is still up.
need to add --url before http://inlanefreight.htb:PORT
Interesting… I dunno I did alot of my enumeration with FFUF and crawling with ReconSpider. You could try and see if those tools can connect?
It seems like I’ve missed the admin portal somehow. but gotten everything else… starting again from the top…
First of all make sure you add the ip address and the url as follow to /etc/hosts
Without the port, give it a minute or two. Then make sure you can reach the website through the browser - inlanefreight.htb:port, after that use Final recon and find a subdomain, and go on until you will find machine.txt (hint)
in the /etc/hosts, you don’t need to add the port number.
just when you are browsing or using for example finalrecon, you need to add the port number at the end of the url. Like that
Try to find the machine.txt (hint) like in the module
Just did all y mean add line in /etc/hosts, install finalrecon execute it, but i dont know how to follow the steps,
when i go inside /dumps i see this, how i find the target system?
Thanks. I got the key any hint to get the api ?
finalrecon did not work for me. I used fuff and dirb
Hello. Have you gotten any breakthrough ? I am still stuck there.
Hey I managed to get the api key
Be Creepy (;
Follow the steps in the module.
I know how difficult this module is. It was difficult for me also
Follow the steps
Add the url to the hosts file without the port
Use the FinalRecon using inlanefreight.htb:port
and from there use the tools to find the subdomainsssss
Badly for me, finalrecon is not working on this. I use ffuf and dirb or gobuster. I saw only one subdomain. I will try again tomorrow.
I know this is probably a stupid question, but after all, this is an academy module:D
When you say scan for subdomains, do you mean lik this: FUZZ.inlanefreight.htb, or like this: FUZZ.inlanefreight.htb:PORT. Or is it the third option: FUZZ.inlanefreight.htb:PORT/index.html
To find the subdomains I used the tool in the module, gobuster vhost
which wordlist did you use?
The one in the module
Thanks! I did find a subdomain web****, but I can’t access it. I tried both curl and the browser. Am I doing something wrong?