VPN Error

Hi, I’m new to hack the box. When I connect to the VPN with openvpn it gives me Timers: ping 10, ping-restart 120. I’ve been trying to connect for hours but I can’t

Have you try to download the Vpn with TCP protocol intead of UDP?

yes, but nothing

If you have downloaded the configuration files and execute with sudo the openvpn command, so I think that the unique problem can depend on firewall configuration on your machine.

So, I can connect to Pwnbox also without the Vpn, sincerely I think that it is only used to connect to the machines in the Lab.

Hi! Check your internet connection, disable firewall/antivirus, restart OpenVPN, verify configuration file, double-check credentials, ping the server, and consider reinstalling OpenVPN if issues persist. Follow Hack The Box’s guidelines and terms of service during troubleshooting.

Had an issue while connecting through openvpn on Kali Linux. I downloaded startingpoint and launched it video sudo openvpn .ovpn.

While I was connected the target IP was not responding to any pings. I had to take the mahine IP and update tun0.
ifconfig tun0

ran ping, starting responding issue resolved