I am stuck with finding serial number of the system or maybe I am not… I have used command that gave me serial number (WMIC BIOS GET SERIALNUMBER), and response looked like
VMWare-14 68 12 da 64 34 35 43-r3 32 d6 a3 f2 aa 21 nm (i have modified it from real serial number I got)
and I pasted it to answers and it was not accepted. Whats wrong thing I am doing
@TazWake Yeah, that’s what I got but answer is not accepting for some reason…
If you are confident the formatting is correct and you’ve copied it correctly then it leaves two possible outcomes.
1 - this is not the correct answer and the question is asking for something else.
2 - the answer is broken and it’s worth raising a ticket on HTB’s jira for them to fix it.
I am also getting the VMWare-42 xx xx xx bunch of numbers if I get it from WMIC in command or get-wmiobject in powershell. Does anyone have any good advice on this?
Thanks, I got this worked out yesterday using a different win32 class other than BIOS. I am not sure if that is the same thing that you are referring to as your answer is masked as it is too direct of an answer. Thanks for much for helping though!
Yes, I used the blur spoiler markup for those not interested in the direct answer (though I assumed it could be unmasked if clicked on). Yes, I also used a different class other than BIOS as well. Glad you got it figured out!
In this lesson they literally give you the prompt to use
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
wmic os list brief
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | select SystemDirectory,BuildNumber,SerialNumber,Version | ft
Also if anyone is wondering, using Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS | Select-Object SerialNumber represents the MAC address of the virtual network adapter.
In VMware, the MAC address is used to identify the virtual machine on a network. The format can sometimes look similar to a serial number in our case starting with VMware-42…, but serves a different purpose.